The Translation Triangle

Imagine a Venn diagram. (Yes, I know, that’s basically asking you to remember grade 7 math, but it could be worse. I could have asked you to solve for X). Three circles that, for the sake of our exercise, we’ll label Quality, Time, and Cost. The area where all three intersect would pretty much represent the ideal for any client—the Shangri-La of translation if you… Read more »


Welcome, and thanks for checking out my blog! As a French-to-English translator, my mission is to put my writing, editing and translation skills to work to help my clients reach the English-language market, at home and abroad. This enables them to expand and grow their businesses, and improve their bottom line, which benefits all involved! As the child of a Francophone father and an Anglophone… Read more »

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  • Translation
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  • Official Documents
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  • Medical Texts
  • Pharmaceutical Documents
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  • Communications Materials
  • Administrative Texts
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Working 9 to 5 (or rather, 8:30 to 4:30)!

Brace yourselves, because what I’m about to say may come as a surprise to some: Translators are people, too. Contrary to popular belief (and despite what some clients think), we have basic human needs, such… Read more »

Hopelessly Devoted to Dictation (and Training my Dragon)

I’ve been dictating my translations almost from the time I started working in the industry. At the agency where I did my first internship, back in the late 1990s, dictation was quite commonplace and there… Read more »

The Translation Triangle

Imagine a Venn diagram. (Yes, I know, that’s basically asking you to remember grade 7 math, but it could be worse. I could have asked you to solve for X). Three circles that, for the… Read more »